ESA Weekly News Report, Oct 24th: Chicago Resident Recovered Stolen ESA With The Help Of Social Media

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  • ESA Weekly News Report, Oct 24th: Chicago Resident Recovered Stolen ESA With The Help Of Social Media

By: katelyn Updated: October 26, 2022

We hear phrases like ‘the power of social media’ often, but we rarely see any concrete results. That’s about to change for our readers. This week, our newsletter takes you to Illinois, where a woman successfully recovered her stolen Emotional Support Animal (ESA) after appealing for help on Instagram.

Douglass Park Woman Gets Her Stolen ESA Back Thanks To Social Media 

Marisol Doblado’s Emotional Support Animal, Pluto, was stolen from outside her premises on Oct. 21st. When the French Bulldog was discovered missing, a quick look at the camera footage revealed an Amazon delivery person walking away with the dog. 

Ms. Doblado not only contacted the police department but also got in touch with Amazon to report the incident. She said the online retailing business ended up giving her the run around for hours and that she spent the entire night trying to get some viable information from them. 

Pluto helps with Marisol Doblado’s depression and anxiety. She stated her ESA is more than a family member to her and that she spent the night shaking out of worry for Pluto’s well-being.

Ms. Doblado took to social media when things weren’t moving fast enough for her liking. She posted videos of the suspect walking away with Pluto on Instagram in the hopes of being able to find him. 

Her efforts paid when a woman on Instagram posted pictures of Pluto as a dog she’d found, and others on the site linked it back to Ms. Doblado’s post. Once people made the connection, they made it possible for Ms. Doblado to connect with Pluto’s rescuer, and the canine was recovered. 

Amazon commented on the incident, saying they’re “…happy that Pluto has returned home safely. Amazon has reached out and apologized to the dog’s owner. Amazon has also suspended the driver involved pending an investigation into the incident.” 

The police also informed Ms. Doblado that the suspect had turned himself in, but she was still considering whether to press charges or not. 

Source: CBSNews

CertaPet’s Thoughts on This Week’s News

Social Media can play such a positive role in our lives if utilized for the right purpose. We’re exceedingly happy Marisol Doblado was able to get her ESA back. But imagine what an entire site or a series of websites devoted to discovering stolen or lost pets, Emotional Support, or Service Animals could achieve. Don’t forget to look out for us next week for more on ESAs. But, before we go – 

If you’re living with a mental illness, getting an Emotional Support Animal could really help your recovery. These loving animals could ease your symptoms and help you live a happier, fuller life. If you’re ready to start the process, take our 5-minute pre-screening test for free. We’ll connect you with a licensed mental health professional, who will have a consultation with you. Then, if you qualify, you’ll get your ESA letter in no time.

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